As a least-developed country (LDC), the Gambia is a beneficiary of the EU's "Everything but Arms" (EBA) arrangement. The World Bank classifies the Gambia as a low-income economy with a per-capita income of $888 in 2023. Total EU imports from the Gambia amounted to about €48 million in 2023; preferential EBA imports reached €16.8 million.
The EBA arrangement covers all LDCs as classified by the United Nations. This arrangement enables duty-free and quota-free access for all products originating in LDCs except for arms and ammunition. Unlike beneficiaries of the Standard GSP and GSP+, LDCs are not excluded from the scheme if they benefit from other preferential arrangements or agreements with the EU.
GDP Growth
The Gambia is the smallest and one of the most densely populated countries on the African continent, with the majority of the population living in urban areas. Nonetheless, agriculture remains the backbone of the economy and secures the livelihood of about 66% of the workforce.
The Gambia's most important export products in 2023 were petroleum oils, sugar, and other agricultural products.
The Gambia's most important trading partners are Togo, the EU and Côte d'Ivoire. The largest share of exports, over 60%, goes to Mali, followed by China and the EU. The most important source of imports is Togo, followed by the EU, Côte d'Ivoire and China.
The agricultural sector remains the mainstay of the Gambia's economy and supplies the livelihoods of the majority of the population. Peanuts are the most important crop. A small manufacturing sector mainly focusses on the processing of peanuts, fish, textiles and food and beverages. Remittances account for about 16% of the GDP.
About 35% of the EU's imports from the Gambia use EBA preferences. The preference utilisation rate, which represents the ratio of preferential imports to GSP eligible imports, currently stands at 76%.
Total trade with the EU amounted to €132 million in 2023. The EU is the Gambia's second most important trading partner and ranks second as a source of imports and third as a destination for exports.
Share of the Gambia's exports to the EU that were eligible for EBA preferences.
Gambia's preference utilisation rate in 2023.
Share of zero-duty imports from The Gambia.
Most of the EU's imports from The Gambia are eligible for EBA preferences. Eligible imports have shown an upward trend with 2022 and to some extent 2023 being particularly good years. In most years, The Gambia was among the highest users of GSP preferences across all three arrangements: The preference utilisation rate stood above 95% until 2022. In 2023, it dropped to 77%. Eligible exports are highly concentrated in one product section, fish, which shows the same preference utilisation rate values as the country's overall exports to the EU.
The majority of exports under the EBA is accounted for by fish and crustaceans, followed by animal and vegetable fats. These sections account for more than 98% of exports under the EBA, suggesting a limited degree of diversification at the sectoral level. Nonetheless, the number of product sections exported to the EU has increased in recent years, including for example rising exports of essential oils, machinery, and pearls. Overall volumes, however, remain small.
As a beneficiary of the EBA, the Gambia is not obligated to ratify any conventions to be able to benefit from preferential access to the EU market. Nonetheless, the Gambia maintains a high level of ratification and has ratified all 15 core international conventions on human and labour rights. This includes 7 UN human rights conventions and 8 ILO conventions on labour standards. Additionally, the Gambia has ratified 8 conventions on environmental protection and 4 conventions on good governance aspects.
Access all info about EU-The Gambia relations on the International Partnerships website.