Resources from EU Websites
- DG TRADE Generalised Scheme of Preferences - The Commission's official pages on the GSP
- Access to Markets Database - provides detailed information for traders wishing to trade with the EU
- EU Delegation Websites in GSP Beneficiary Countries
- Enterprise Europe Network
- Biennial reports of the Commission on the GSP (these are accompanied by country reports on GSP+ countries and countries in enhanced engagement with the EU)
- Midterm Evaluation of the EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP)
- Council Compromise on a revised GSP Regulation
- Commission Proposal for a revised GSP Regulation
GSP Legislation
- EU GSP Regulation (main legislation governing the GSP until then end of 2027)
Monitoring Institutions and Bodies
- UNCTAD Handbook of the Scheme of the European Union
- Monitoring the international human rights conventions
- ILO - Applying and promoting International Labour Standards