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ARTICLE |Ensuring Continuity: EU Extends Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP) Regulation until the end of 2027

8 February 2024



In November 2023, the European Union took a step to ensure the continued application of the Generalized Schemes of Preferences (GSP) Regulation (Regulation (EU) 978/2012) until the end of 2027. The current GSP framework was set to expire on December 31, 2023. However, an extension was deemed necessary as the European Parliament and the Council have not yet reached an agreement on the European Commission’s proposal for a new GSP regulation.

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ARTICLE | GSP Hub Website: an easy guide to the EU Generalized Scheme of Preferences

7 April 2023



The GSP Hub website with its new visual, structural, and content updates aims to enhance the information provided on the EU Generalised Scheme of Preferences in an accessible and user-friendly way. The website has been designed to collect information of relevance to the European Commission’s monitoring activities and provide GSP stakeholders with support and information for their advocacy activities regarding the GSP as a whole, and individual beneficiary countries, or international conventions. It is now easier to access information that was previously dispersed or convoluted.

The homepage of the GSP Hub Website provides access to several subpages that incorporate essential information. Three newly added boxes provide direct access to information on the GSP review, the GSP Reports, and the Access2Markets tool. From the information on the arrangements of the beneficiary countries and the steps planned forward for the GSP, everything is available in one scroll!.

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PUBLIC CONSULTATION |  GSP Hub stakeholder survey 

6 January 2021


As the GSP Hub project is coming to an end, a survey has been launched to collect information, views, and opinions on the overall level of information and transparency of the Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) as well as to evaluate the impact created by the GSP Hub. It provides stakeholders with the opportunity to give feedback on additional steps the EU could take to further increase the level of awareness, transparency and engagement on the EU’s GSP. The results and input will directly feed into the evaluation of the GSP hub project, the analysis and core recommendations to the European Commission further contributing to increasing the economic impact of the GSP and supporting the sustainable development in beneficiary countries. Please click on the link to take part in the consultation. 

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EVENT |  GSP+ Business Engagement Workshop in the Philippines

03 January 2021


The GSP Hub is hosting its sixth and final beneficiary country workshop in the Philippines on 26 January 2022 in a fully virtual format. The GSP+ Business Engagement Workshop in the Philippines will serve as an opportunity to engage in dialogue and build relations with local and international stakeholders. The workshop will be organised as a business-focused event aiming to facilitate and encourage the exchange of local experiences, knowledge, and best practices with the EU’s GSP+. The workshop will reinforce awareness of the benefits and opportunities the GSP+ provides for the business community and offers a platform to discuss how Filipino stakeholders can further maximise the advantages of the arrangement, e.g. with regards to less prominent sectors and persisting utilisation gaps. Finally, this workshop aims to identify and discuss areas and strategies for further economic diversification.

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TRADE BRIEF |  ITC: Export Potential and Diversification in the Philippines

29 November 2021


Check out the findings of the export potential assessment conducted by the International Trade Centre under the Arise Plus Project in the Philippines. Learn more about the kind of opportunities exist for Filipino exporters on the EU market and what kind of barriers they face. Click on the button below to read the full assessment.

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05 November 2021


Check out the new GSP brochure "The GSP at a glance". The document provides an overview of the main characteristics of the Generalised Scheme of Preferences and its different arrangements. It also provides an overview of recent economic trends in terms of preferential imports and most important product groups. Furthermore, the brochure gives insights on developments relating to the values objective of the GSP and it's contribution to sustainable development. Readers are also provided with an overview of avenues to engage on the GSP.

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ARTICLE |  A new GSP Framework

20 October 2021

GSP proposal

After ten years in force, the European Commission reviews the Regulation governing the Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP) which grants eligible developing countries duty-free or reduced access to the European market. This makes the GSP an important tool of the EU’s trade and development policy supporting the elimination of poverty and economic development in beneficiary countries. What does the European Commission suggest? Read our summary article.

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EVENT |  EBA Engagement Workshop Senegal

18 October 2021


The GSP Hub is hosting its fifth beneficiary country workshop in Dakar, Senegal on 08 November in a hybrid format. The workshop aims to increase awareness of EBA benefits among Senegalese stakeholders and provides a forum to discuss avenues for intensification and diversification of exports to the European Union under the EBA. Speakers from the side of the European Commission will highlight the differences between the EPA and the EBA, emphasise the importance of sanitary and phytosanitary standards, and present sustainable and circular economy approaches in the agricultural sector as a way to increase the competitiveness of Senegalese products. Sector representatives will introduce participants to additional potential in the agricultural and fisheries sectors, which already take good advantage of EBA preferences, and will emphasise the potential for diversification in the textiles, pharmaceutical, and ICT sectors. Join the discussion in-person at the Radisson Blu Dakar Sea Plaza or virtual through Zoom. The workshop will be held in French. Simultaneous interpretation is available for online participants. 

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EVENT |  GSP Engagement Workshop Congo-Brazzaville

22 September 2021








The fourth beneficiary country workshop will take place in Congo-Brazzaville on 13 October in a hybrid format. Join the discussion on how Congo could take greater advantage of the Standard GSP and learn more about focus sectors for export diversification. The workshop is dedicated to supporting Congolese stakeholders from the business sector, public officials as well as civil society to maximise the benefits of the Standard GSP. 

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EVENT |  EU-Pakistan Business Forum (external)

06 September 2021

eu pakistan business forum

On 8 September the EU Delegation to Pakistan hosts the first EU-Pakistan Business Forum. The event targets Pakistani SMEs with an interest in exporting to the European market and aims to discuss trade opportunities, market potential, as well as avenues to strengthen bilateral trade. The event will also provide further details on the GSP+ arrangement and how stakeholders can benefit from the arrangement. The focus sectors of this inaugural business forum are gems, jewellery and mining, information technology, handicrafts and fashion-wear and travel and tourism. Interested participants can follow the event live through Facebook, please click on the link below.

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EVENT |  EBA Engagement Workshop Lao PDR

23 August 2021


Join us for the third beneficiary country workshop in Lao PDR. The workshop is dedicated to supporting Lao stakeholders from the business sector, public officials as well as civil society to maximise the benefits of the 'Everything But Arms' (EBA), which is part of the EU's Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP). The event will raise awareness of EBA benefits and provide a forum to discuss how Lao stakeholders can further leverage the advantages of the arrangement..

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20 August 2021

gsp insights

The GSP Insights publication is out now! The publication gathers concise information on the EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP), including the most recent trends and insights relating to both the economic and values objectives of the scheme. It aims to increase awareness of the benefits and opportunities the GSP offers for industry stakeholders, civil society, trade unions, and public authorities in the EU and GSP beneficiary countries. 

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EVENT |  GSP Engagement Workshop Uzbekistan - Report

12 July 2021

The GSP organised the GSP Engagement Workshop Uzbekistan as a hybrid event, which took place physically in the International Hotel in Tashkent and online through Zoom on 24 June 2021. The overall objective of the workshop was to introduce Uzbek stakeholders to the GSP+, as well as to discuss opportunities and requirements of the arrangement. The workshop targeted business stakeholders and public officials and provided a platform to discuss rules of origin requirements, preference margins, and export potential of Uzbek products. At the same time, the workshop also aimed to involve civil society by highlighting avenues to engage in the GSP+ monitoring process and to discuss the relationship between business and values with a particular focus on labour rights. In total 82 participants took part in the workshop physically and virtually.

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ARTICLE |  Global Value Chains for LDCs

30 June 2021


How can the participation of Least Developed Countries in global supply and value chains be strengthened to support export diversification and economic recovery after the pandemic? In their article, Alessandro Antimiani and Lucian Cernat of the European Commission's DG TRADE suggest a new multilateral initiative, advocating for a new ‘GVCs for LDCs’ global preferential scheme based on least developed countries’ value added.

Read the article here



EVENT |  GSP Engagement Workshop in Uzbekistan (hybrid)

01 June 2021


As of 10 April 2021, Uzbekistan is part of the GSP+ which grants its beneficiaries duty-free access to the EU market for about 66% of tariff lines contingent on the ratification and effective implementation of 27 core international conventions. The GSP engagement workshop is dedicated to supporting Uzbek stakeholders from the business sector, public officials as well as civil society to maximise the benefits of the GSP+. The workshop will inform participants how the new relationship between the EU and Uzbekistan under the GSP+ will function in practice and offers the opportunity to take part in several Q&A sessions. Click on the link for more details.

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ARTICLE |  Same but different: A comparison of the EU and US GSP schemes  

26 May 2021


The European Union and the United States are among the biggest traders in the world, both offering GSP preferences to a vast number of beneficiaries. While the main incentives of offering tariff reductions to lower-income countries are similar within the two schemes, there are differences in their practical implementation. This article aims to outline the most significant differences between the EU and US GSP schemes. 

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STORY |  Benefits of the GSP+ and challenges ahead of the scheme 

17 May 2021


Mr Meyer-Resende, Executive Director of Democracy Reporting International reflected on his past experiences with the GSP+ scheme and shared a few takeaways with the GSP Hub team. Democracy Reporting International (DRI), a Berlin-based NGO with offices in eight countries, promotes democratic governance around the world and provides policy advice on that matter with a focus on institutional aspects of democracy, namely elections, parliaments, constitutions, and democracy standards. DRI worked for three years with numerous actors in all GSP+ partner countries under EU-funded projects.  

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POLICY BRIEF |  Export potential of Uzbek goods in the EU

11 May 2021


What is the export potential of Uzbek products on the European market? To date, the EU only plays a subordinate role as an export market for Uzbek products, both in terms of value and product range. The German Economic Team (GET) identifies products of three product groups, fruits and vegetables, textiles, and metals, as high potential products on the EU market. Intensified trade relations would also help Uzbekistan to diversify its export markets. Read this policy brief by the GET and get more insights.

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POLICY BRIEF |  The EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: how to make it work for developing countries

07 May 2021


The EU intends to introduce a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) by the end of 2021. While the exact design is not yet known, the CBAM would see a charge levied at the border, proportionate to the carbon emitted during the production of imported goods. The EU’s proposed CBAM risks unfairly penalising the exports of developing countries. While all countries should accept responsibility for tackling a shared global threat such as climate change, it is unreasonable to expect poorer countries to shoulder the same burden as those that are richer and have historically contributed a larger share of cumulative carbon emissions. Click below to read a policy brief on the interrelation of a CBAM and the EU's GSP by Sam Lowe, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform.

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NEWS |  Uzbekistan: the newest member of the GSP+ arrangement

27 April 2021


On 10th April 2021, Uzbekistan joined the group of GSP+ beneficiaries, becoming the ninth country to participate in the special incentive arrangement for sustainable development and good governance. Through the GSP+, Uzbekistan will receive duty-free access to the EU market for about 66% of tariff lines. At the same time, the GSP+ supports Uzbekistan in implementing sustainable development objectives and making further progress in the fields of human and labour rights, environmental and climate protection and good governance.

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NEWS |  Sri Lanka at GSP Engagement Week virtual conference

21 April 2021


Read this summary article published in the 'Daily Mirror' by Dr Darayatna Silva, former Ambassador to the WTO, on key issues discussed at the opening of the GSP Engagement Week and their importance for Sri Lanka as a beneficiary of the GSP+ and learn more about the trade relationship between the EU and Sri Lanka. 

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NEWS |  Life after LDC Graduation: How is Bangladesh poised for EU GSP+?

21 April 2021

uni dhak

Bangladesh received the endorsement of the United Nations Committee for Development Policy (UN CDP) regarding its final timeline for exiting the group of least developed countries (LDCs). The country is now scheduled to leave the category in 2026, i.e., with extra two years to get ready for a smooth and sustainable transition. On leaving the group, Bangladesh is going to miss out on the LDC category specific preferences and privileges extended by its international development partners, inter alia the preferences granted by the EBA. Read this article in 'The Business Standard' and learn more about Bangladesh's readiness to join the GSP+ arrangement.

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EVENT |  Recording GSP Engagement Week Session 4 - The GSP and Inclusive Growth & Closing Session

25 March 2021

How can trade and the GSP can contribute to inclusive and equitable development in beneficiary countries? What kind of challenges do women in the agricultural sector face in Africa? How does the GSP help advocating for LGBTQI rights in Central Asia and what is needed for vulnerable groups to take greater advantage of the benefits granted by the GSP? These and other questions were discussed during the final session of the GSP Engagement Week – the GSP and Inclusive Growth. Listen to Mr Ulrich Weigl of the European Commission - DG Trade providing an outlook on the EU Trade Policy Review and the Review of the GSP Regulation during the closing session. Watch the recording here.

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EVENT |  Recording GSP Engagement Week Session 3 - The GSP and Labour Rights

24 March 2021

The lively discussion on day 3 of the GSP Engagement Week centred around the relation between the GSP and Labour Rights. Two panellists from GSP+ beneficiary countries Pakistan and Sri Lanka shared their perspective on the impact the GSP creates for workers and working conditions. Watch the recording and learn what kind of concrete challenges persist in beneficiary countries, how the GSP can contribute to ameliorating labour rights and find out what suggestions panellists put forward for a future GSP regulation.


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EVENT |  Recording GSP Engagement Week Session 2 - The GSP and the Green Economy

23 March 2021

How does the GSP relate to environmental initiatives like the EU Green Deal or the Circular Economy Plan? How could a future regulation be stronger connected to environmental sustainability objectives? What are challenges? Watch the recording of Day 2 of the GSP Engagement Week on the GSP and the Green Economy.


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EVENT |  Recording GSP Engagement Week Session 1 - Opening & the GSP and Export Diversification

22 March 2021

How and to what extent does the GSP contribute to export diversification in beneficiary countries? What kind of opportunities are there within and outside the prominent textiles industry under the GSP? How could an updated regulation support export diversification in the future? These and other questions were discussed in the first session of the GSP Engagement Week. Watch the recording here!


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Event |  GSP Engagement Workshop

03 February 2021

engagement week

Join us for the virtual GSP Engagement Week from 22 - 25 March 2021! Let's discuss the interplay between the economic rationale and the values perspective of the Generalised Scheme of Preferences. Some of the questions we would like to address include: how can the GSP help economic diversification, what kind of opportunities does it present for EU producers, and how can civil and environmental targets be achieved in beneficiary countries.

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Interview |  The GSP and its effect on global supply chains pre- and post-COVID, Interview with Niclas Frederic Poitiers, Research Fellow, Bruegel

03 March 2021


The GSP Hub team sat down with Mr Niclas Frederic Poitiers of the Brussels-based economic think-tank Bruegel for a discussion on the economic implications of the GSP. Mr Poitiers, who is working on EU trade policy and e-commerce in trade, gave us valuable insight into the economic and social aspects of the GSP and the effect of the scheme on supply chains globally. Read our interview to learn more about the synergies between the GSP and global trade and how the scheme can further evolve in this regard.

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NEWS |  Bangladesh scheduled to graduate from the LDC group in 2026

03 March 2021


The Committee for Development Policy of the UN (CDP) recommended Bangladesh’s graduation from the Least Developed Country (LDC) category at the second triennial review, held from 22 to 26 February 2021. Once more, Bangladesh met the required thresholds across all three criteria which include the per capita gross national income (GNI), the economic vulnerability index (EVI), and the human assets index (HAI). At the same time, the CDP acknowledged the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and extended the preparatory period from three to five years. Bangladesh is scheduled to graduate from LDC status in 2026. Read more in this article from The Daily Star.

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NEWS |  UN Committee for Development Policy expects long-term effects of COVID-19 on LDC’s

02 March 2021


Although the COVID-19 pandemic has spread less rapidly in Least Developed Countries (LDC’s), the socio-economic impact on these countries is much more severe. The impact is felt most by LDC’s dependent on tourism and fossil fuel exports. Economic recovery is impeded by limited fiscal space. The UN Comittee on Development Policy (CDP) expects a long-term impact on health systems and education in these countries as well as deferred or even reversed progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals. The CDP recommends, inter alia, to extent the preparatory period for all countries recommended for graduation in 2021. Click below to read a summary of the latest briefing by the UN Committee for Development Policy.

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Interview |  Three Questions about the GSP to MEP Raphaël Glucksmann

19 February 2021


In part three of our interview series, MEP Raphaël Glucksmann highlights trade as an important means to achieve sustainable, democratic & social development. How does the GSP relate to that? Click on the link to find out more.

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Interview |  Three Questions about the GSP to MEP Marie-Pierre Vedrenne

18 February 2021


What is the role of the GSP for a post-COVID19 recovery and how can the impact created by the GSP be improved? Read part two of our short interview series with MEPs, today with MEP Marie-Pierre Vedrenne. 

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Interview |  Three Questions about the GSP to MEP Saskia Bricmont

17 February 2021


How is the GSP connected to the EU's trade and values agenda? In what area does the arrangement not live up to its potential? Read the first interview of our short interview series with MEPs, today with MEP Saskia Bricmont. 

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Interview |  Green, Sustainable Partnership?- The GSP from an environmental perspective, Interview with Eline Blot and Marianne Kettunen from the IEEP

12 February 2021


The GSP Hub team sat down with the Institute for European Environmental Policy for a discussion on the environmental implications of the GSP. Does the arrangement promote sustainable trade between the EU and beneficiary countries? Can the GSP part of a greener global future? What about the European Green Deal? Read our interview to learn more about the green aspect of the GSP and how the scheme can further evolve in this regard. 

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Opinion | Can Bangladesh get prepared for EU's GSP-plus? 

04 February 2021


Over the past few years, Bangladesh has progressed a lot in terms of economic and social development. However, graduation from the LDC group will be the most important milestone that Bangladesh could achieve in the coming years. But the question remains: is Bangladesh's trade sector ready to face the challenges after the country graduates from Least Developed Country (LDC) status in 2024? Losing preferential market access in many export destinations seems to be the most challenging aspect of the path of smooth graduation. Read this op-ed by Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Research Director, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and Abeer Khandker, Senior Lecturer, East West University and share your views! 

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VIDEO | "We need the engagement from the stakeholder community " - summary of the interview with CTEO Denis Redonnet  

11 December 2020

You did not have a chance to read our interview with the CTEO yet? Check out the summary of the interview here:


read interview




20 August 2021

gsp insights

The GSP Insights publication is out now! The publication gathers concise information on the EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP), including the most recent trends and insights relating to both the economic and values objectives of the scheme. It aims to increase awareness of the benefits and opportunities the GSP offers for industry stakeholders, civil society, trade unions, and public authorities in the EU and GSP beneficiary countries. 

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STORY | Sri Lanka developed as a hub for premium cigar tobacco manufacturing

14 January 2021








In our newest article, Mr Serge Ponnet from J. Cortès Cigars tells the GSP Hub team the success story of their company. Read more about how the Generalised Scheme of Preferences facilitates premium quality tobacco imports from Indonesia and cigar manufacturing in Sri Lanka.

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STORY | Increasing Pakistan’s international competitiveness through the GSP

14 January 2021








Read the stoy of Mr Rashid Attari, Export/Import Deputy Manager at Kay & Emms (Pvt) Ltd. and his insights on how the GSP supported trade industries and overall competitiveness of Pakistani products on the world market. 

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STORY |  The Role of the GSP in EU-Armenia Cooperation

08 January 2021


Since 2014, Armenia is a beneficiary of the Special Incentive Scheme for Sustainable Development and Good Governance (GSP+) granted by the European Union. Read this story on how the GSP+ impacted EU-Armenian trade relations and contributed to improving Armenian people’s rights and quality of life.

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OPINION | Human Rights Watch: Uzbekistan Not Even Close to Meriting EU's Trade Scheme 

16 December 2020


In June, Uzbekistan officially applied for GSP+ beneficiary status. This arrangement not only grants more favourable duty reductions compared to the General GSP but comes with the condition to ratify and implement 27 international conventions on human and labour rights, environmental protection, and good governance, incentivising sustainable development. The European Commission has already examined the application and believes Uzbekistan is ready for GSP+. Read this opinion piece contributed by Human Rights Watch and share your views - is Uzbekistan ready for this next step? 

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STORY | A more sustainable textile and denim industry in Pakistan 

14 December 2020



After 2014, when Pakistan acceded to the GSP+ a small boom took place in the textile and denim industry. By now, textiles have become the largest product section imported under the GSP+ arrangement, comprising more than 70% of Pakistan’s GSP imports to the EU. Read the story of Mayoral Moda Infantil, a spanish producer of children's clothing.

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STORY | The sports goods industry and diversification in Pakistan

14 December 2020

Pakistan’s GSP+ success story is particularly visible in the city of Sialkot, the capital of the country’s sports industry. About 98 per cent of products manufactured in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises located in the city are exported to foreign markets. “These industries – particularly the sports goods industry – have been an important source of Pakistan’s foreign exchange earnings,” says Mr Arshad Javad Sandal, Chairman of the Pakistan Sports Goods Manufacturers and Exporters Association. 

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STORY | Civil society and human rights education in Mongolia 

11 December 2020

globe mongolia

The Globe International Center is a Mongolian NGO committed to improve the access to public information to support the development of an active civil society. The Globe International Center has formed a “3 Cs Support Group” as a core group to provide professional support and assistance to stakeholders involved in the GSP+ scheme and the relevant human rights-related commitments made by beneficiary countries under the GSP+.

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INTERVIEW |  EU CTEO Underscores Role of Business & Civil Society for Effective GSP

07 December 2020


We sat down virtually with the new Chief Trade Enforcement Officer Denis Redonnet and talked about his new position and its implications for the EU's trade & values agenda and the Generalised Scheme of Preferences. Mr Redonnet was appointed Chief Trade Enforcement Officer in July 2020, a new position created under Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Read the interview



WTO NEWS |  Germany and Estonia pledge 815,000 € to help poorest countries expand role in world trade  

07 December 2020

On 3 December, Germany and Estonia have pledged 815,000 € to the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF), a programme which supports Least Developed Countries to better use trade for sustainable development and poverty reduction. The funds will be used to address new challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more on the WTO website



EVENT |  Join the virtual Bangladesh-Netherlands Investment Summit 

04 December 2020

Are you an economic operator from the Netherlands or the EBA beneficiary Bangladesh? Take the opportunity and join this webinar series organised by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in the Netherlands, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangladesh and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). Three webinars on the 8th and 9th December 2020 will bring together industry leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators and policymakers from the Netherlands and Bangladesh. Stakeholders will present and discuss opportunities and consider the specific scope for engagement in trade and investments between Dutch and Bangladeshi companies. Click on the link below to for a detailed agenda and registration.

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REPORT |  GSP Stakeholder Forum  

30 September 2020

eu building

On 29 September the inaugural Stakeholder Forum of the Action on GSP Trade Preferences took place in a hybrid format. A small number of participants gathered at the Charlemagne Building while all interested participants were able to follow the panel discussions online. The topics that were discussed included the role of the GSP for a post-pandemic recovery, the GSP's relevance and potential for Africa, and the promotion of sustainable development in Central Asia.

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