Micronesia is a beneficiary of the Standard GSP. With a per capita income of $4,084 in 2023, the World Bank classifies Micronesia as a lower middle-income country. Total EU imports from Micronesia amounted to about €624,000 in 2023. Given the low export amounts, the country uses GSP preferences only to a very limited amount, and preferential imports in 2023 were less than €10,000.
The Standard GSP targets developing countries that are classified by the World Bank as lower or lower-middle income countries and which do not have equal preferential access to the EU market through any other arrangement. Standard GSP beneficiary countries can benefit from duty suspension for non-sensitive products as well as duty reductions for sensitive products across approximately 66% of all EU tariff lines.
GDP Growth
Micronesia is a small island nation in the western pacific that consists of more than 600 islands. This fragmentation and the remote location pose significant challenges to the countries' economic and social development. Subsistence farming and fishing remains the main economic activity for the majority of the population.
Micronesia's most dominant export products are fresh and frozen fish, including for example skipjack, tuna, anchovies, and different kinds of crustaceans.
Micronesia's imports originate mainly from China and the US.
The service sector (67% of GDP in 2023), mainly driven by government services such as the sale of fishing licenses, is an important source of income for the economy which is otherwise mainly driven by small-scale farming and fishing. The main agricultural products are taros, coconuts, bananas, and breadfruit.
Although about 87% of EU imports from Micronesia were eligible for duty reductions granted by the Standard GSP in 2023, Micronesia's utilisation rate stood at less than 2%.
Total trade with the EU amounted to €3 million in 2023.
Share of Micronesia's exports to the EU that were eligible for GSP preferences in 2023.
Micronesia's preference utilisation rate in 2023.
Share of zero-duty imports from Micronesia.
EU imports from Micronesia are small and thus vary considerably from year to year. Micronesia’s preference utilisation rate tends to be low, primarily in response to the limited exports to the EU overall. With preference eligible exports being at about €0.5 million and a utilisation rate of 3% in 2023, the value of preferential imports from Micronesia was below €10,000.
The value of imports from Micronesia is minuscule. GSP preferential imports from Micronesia are limited to the import of fish and crustaceans. While overall EU imports from Micronesia diversified in the last decade, both on the product and the sectoral level, this trend is not reflected in the preferential imports. Fish and crustaceans are the only product group currently imported using preferential duties. About 90% of eligible imports in this section make use of preferential access to the EU market. Other imports from Micronesia include machinery and manufactures, however, currently no preferences are used for these sections. 100% of clothing and textile articles imported from Micronesia are eligibile for GSP preferences, yet the utilisation rate is 0%.
Micronesia has ratified 2 of the 8 fundamental UN conventions on human rights but none of the core ILO conventions on labour standards. As a beneficiary of the Standard GSP, Micronesia's preferential access to the EU market is not conditional on the ratification of international conventions. In addition, Micronesia has ratified 6 conventions on environmental protection and 4 conventions that address good governance issues, including drug trafficking and corruption.
Access all info about EU-Pacific Islands Countries relations on the International Partnerships website.