The Republic of Congo is a beneficiary of the Standard GSP. With a per capita income of $2,478 in 2023, the World Bank classifies Congo as a lower middle-income country. In 2023, EU imports from Congo summed up to €1.5 billion, the highest value since 2015. The country currently makes good use of the preferential tariffs under the GSP. As most of Congo's exports enter the EU duty-free under the EU's normal tariff regime, the scope for preferential GSP imports is limited; these reached €7.8 million in 2023.
The Standard GSP targets developing countries that are classified by the World Bank as lower or lower-middle income countries and which do not have equal preferential access to the EU market through any other arrangement. Standard GSP beneficiary countries can benefit from duty suspension for non-sensitive products as well as duty reductions for sensitive products across approximately 66% of all EU tariff lines.
GDP Growth
Congo's most important export product by far is petroleum oil, and the country ranks among the top 10 of Africa’s oil producers. Other important export products include copper, gold and tropical woods. Cocoa beans are the most important agricultural product for export.
The Republic of Congo has substantial mineral resources, the majority of which are yet untapped. Next to petroleum oil, these resources include iron ore, magnesium, diamonds, phosphate, copper, lead, zinc, and gold.
China is Congo's most important export market, with a share of 47% in 2023, followed by the EU (21%). The two largest suppliers, the EU (29%) and China (28%), also account for a combined share in Congo's total imports of more than 55%.
Agriculture contributes a small share to Congo's GDP (9% in 2023), far behind industry (45%) and services (40%). Oil rents contribute about 50% to the government's revenues, one of the highest shares in the world. This leaves the economy vulnerable to volatilities on international energy markets. Other relevant industries in Congo are cement, lumber, brewing, sugar, and palm oil.
As most of Congo's exports enter the EU duty-free under the EU's normal tariff regime, the scope for EBA preferences is limited: less than 1% of imports from Congo were eligible for EBA preferences in 2023. 14% of the eligible imports made use of the preferences in 2023.
Total trade between the EU and the Republic of Congo amounted to € 1.9 billion in 2023. The EU is Congo's second most important trading partner with a share of 25%, behind China (38%).
Only a small share of the Republic of Congo's exports to the EU were eligible for GSP preferential tariffs in 2023.
Republic of Congo's preference utilisation rate in 2023.
Share of zero-duty imports from Congo. Most imports are duty-free under normal EU tariffs.
The vast majority of EU imports from Congo is duty-free and thus not eligible for GSP preferences. Eligible imports have decreased almost steadily since 2012, from more than €80 million then to €12 million in 2023. Congo’s preference utilisation rate has fluctuated heavily over the years, ranging from 42% to 81%. In 2023, the rate stood at 65%, and the largest user of EBA preferences by far was the product group of stone, cement and mineral fuels, with a utilisation rate of almost 100%.
Despite preferential imports remain limited to a small amount of products, the Republic of Congo belonged to those countries which showed progress towards more diversified exports following the last GSP reform.
Congo maintains a high level of ratification of core international conventions, despite duty reductions granted by the Standard GSP are not bound to the ratification of any conventions. Congo has ratified 13 of the 15 core conventions on human rights and labour standards. Additionally, Congo has ratified 8 international conventions on environmental protection and 4 conventions which cover good governance topics like corruption and the control of drug trafficking.
Access all info about EU-Republic of Congo relations on the International Partnerships website.