Tanzania benefits from the EU's "Everything but Arms" (EBA) scheme for least developed countries. According to the World Bank classification, Tanzania is considered a lower-middle income economy with a per-capita income of $ 1.200 (2022). Most recently, preferential imports from Tanzania amounted to €786,5 million in 2022, a significant increase compared to the previous year.
The “Everything but Arms”(EBA) scheme is a permanent arrangement covering Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as classified by the United Nations. This arrangement enables duty-free and quota-free access for all products (7,200 products in total) originating in LDCs except for arms and ammunition. Unlike beneficiaries of the Standard GSP and GSP+, LDCs are not excluded from the scheme if they benefit from other preferential arrangements or agreements with the EU.
GDP Growth
With average annual growth rates of 6-7%, Tanzania can look back on substantial economic growth in the last decade. Tanzania’s economy has been resilient, growing by 5.2% in 2023 compared to 4.6% in 2022.
Tanzania's main export articles are gold, precious stones and metals, tobacco, sesame seeds, coffee, peas, and beans, as well as different medium and light oils.
China, UAE, and India are the most important trading partners for Tanzania, accounting for a share of about 44%. The most important export markets for Tanzanian products are India and UAE.
Tanzania benefits from its wealth in natural resources. The country possesses considerable mineral deposits with gold being the most important one. Other minerals include coal, diamonds, and tin. The agricultural sector still provides the livelihood for the majority of the population. The most important cash crops are coffee and cotton as well as cashews, tobacco, and sisal. These commodities build the foundation for Tanzania's industrial sector which focusses on food processing, textiles, brewing, and cigarette production. The services sector remained the main driving force behind Tanzania’s overall economic growth, expanding by 7.3%, supported by buoyant economic activities in financial and insurance, transport and storage, and trade and repair subsectors.
With an annual production of about 50 tonnes, Tanzania is one of the leading producers of gold in Africa. Gold also accounts for the majority of Tanzania’s export earnings, leaving it vulnerable to fluctuations in world gold prices.
Total trade with the EU summed up to €2,094 million in 2022. With a share of 7%, the EU is the fifth most important trading partner for Tanzania.
About one third of Tanzania's exports to the EU market are eligible for EBA preferences.
With a preference utilisation rate of 95.5%, Tanzania makes considerable use of EBA preferences.
Tanzania takes good advantage of the preferential access to the EU market. The preference utilisation rate increased substantially in the post-reform period. Tobacco accounts for the largest share of EU imports from Tanzania, followed by coffee by non-industrial diamonds. However, these two products are almost entirely traded using zero most-favoured-nation duties.
More than one third overall EU imports from Tanzania are eligible for preferences granted by the EBA. The three main product sections – tobacco, fish, plants and fruits and vegetables – make use of EBA preference for more than 80% of eligible imports.
The preferential access to the EU market granted by the EBA scheme is not bound to the ratification of international conventions. Tanzania has ratified 14 out 15 core international convention on the protection of human rights and labour standards. In addition, Tanzania has ratified 8 conventions on the protection of the environment and 4 good governance conventions.
Access all info about EU-Tanzania relations on the International Partnerships website: https://international-partnerships.ec.europa.eu/countries/tanzania_en